研究小孔径基阵条件下的高精度水下目标被动定位是一个具有实用价值的问题。提出一种基于矢量水听器和小孔径标量圆形阵的高精度水下目标被动定位方法。将矢量水听器置于标量圆形阵的圆心处,综合利用标量阵常规波束形成的稳健性和矢量水听器的测向原理,可大幅提高目标的测向精度。并利用多个基阵进行空间方位交汇可对目标进行测距。当存在多个目标时,通过基阵两两组合进行"举手表决"剔除伪解的方法,还可分辨多个目标。仿真结果表明,在4个基阵围成的边长5 km的正方形探测区域内,3个目标测向精度均在1°以内,相对测距误差低于5%,验证了该方法的有效性。
It is practical to research the method of passive localization with high accuracy based on subsize array for underwater target. It is presented that the method based on array consisted of vector hydrophone and subsize circle array. The vector sensor placed in the the centre of the circle array can find the orientation of target for high accuracy, owe to the beam forming of subsize circle array. Then the localization of target can be accomplished with more than two hydrophone array. The multiple target can be distinguished based on vote from all of combinations of two array. As a result, the orientation accuracy of target is under one degree, and relative accuracy of range is under five percent. Therefore, the method presented in this article is proved.
2016,38(3): 101-104 收稿日期:2015-06-25
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