Implementing smart manufacturing is significant to the development of China's shipbuilding industry and has been set as the main direction of the "Made in China 2025" plan. The core idea of smart manufacturing is to set up an interconnected industry network, which relies on a well established standardization system. This paper discusses the current status and trends of smart manufacturing technology and standardization in China's shipbuilding industry. The study suggests that the manufacturing sectors in the shipbuilding industry to raise the level of digitalization and automation before to attempt to make breakthroughs in the interconnection and information fusion stages. The newly proposed smart manufacturing standardization system overlaps the existing shipbuilding industry standardization system in terms of some technology contents, but they have distinct dimensions. It suggests that during adopting smart manufacturing techniques, synchronized updating and maintenance should be done to both standardization systems to remain them complementary.
2016,38(5): 1-6 收稿日期:2016-03-07
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