针对水泵进口流场的不均匀性,设计 3 种流场均匀装置。数值仿真和试验研究表明,矩形格栅式的流阻系数是导流体式和同心圆式均匀装置的 3 倍以上,截面轴向速度角是影响流场均匀性最主要的因素,3 种流场装置均能够明显增加进口截面的轴向速度角。导流体 1D 在进流状态较差时,能够有效的降低水泵出口叶频线谱,且在水泵进流状态较好时无明显恶化进流流场现象,具有较广的适用范围。
In order to improve the uniformity of the flow field at the inlet of pump, three rectifiers have been devised and testedin this paper. The result of numerical simulation and experiment show that the flow resistance coefficient of rectangle grid rectifier is triple larger than other rectifiers, and the axial average flow angle is the most importantparameter to decide the uniformity of the flow field, andthe axial flow angle of all rectifiers has been increase in 2.5° at least. The rectifier of guide body 1D has the minimum side effect when the inflow's uniformity is fine; it has extensive scope of application.
2016,38(8): 79-85 收稿日期:2016-5-13
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