为有效推进CATIA V6软件的船舶工程化应用,通过基础资源库配置、管路设计、二维出图和应用开发4个方面进行管路三维设计研究。从工程技术表入手,系统介绍了CATIA V6面向二维驱动三维管路设计的资源配置和建库策略。结合船舶研制背景,详细分析了CATIA V6管路设计流程,并总结出工程设计应用经验。同时,为弥补通用软件在工程设计中的不足,开展了面向二维出图和快速建库的定制开发,且在工程实践中具有较好的操作性和稳定性。
For the realization of the CATIA V6 software engineering application, data setup, piping design, two-dimensional drawing and application development were investigated. With the engineering technological table as the starting point, the resource allocation and database construction policy oriented from logical to physical relying on CATIA V6 were analyzed. Combined with the background of ship development, the process and application experience of piping design were presented. To remedy the insufficiency of universal software for engineering design, the customized development of drawing and building library at high speed were carried out in detail, which demonstrates superior operability and stability.
2016,38(12): 83-86 收稿日期:2016-05-30
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