日本福岛核电站爆炸事故发生以来,海洋放射性监测比以往更加受到国内外海洋监测领域和国家有关部门的关注。本文研制了一套基于NaI(Tl)探测器的海洋放射性在线监测装置,并采用蒙特卡罗模拟和实验验证相结合的方式,对其效率校准方法进行研究。结果表明,蒙特卡罗模拟获得的探测器针对40K(1 462 keV)的探测效率是1.73×10-4 cps/(Bq*m-3),与通过现场实验测量计算得到的值具有较好的符合性。
Since Japan's fukushima nuclear plant explosion, marine radioactivity monitoring have attracted more attention of both Marine monitoring field at home and abroad and the relevant state departments than ever. A study of marine efficiency calibration has been done for the on-line marine radioactivity monitor. The efficiency calibration by Monte Carlo simulation was validated with experiment in a big water tank. The detection efficiency by Monte Carlo simulation with 40K (1 462 keV) is 1.73×10-4 cps/(Bq*m-3), and the results seems to be in good agreement with the simulated one.
2016,38(12): 167-169 收稿日期:2016-09-10
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