Nowadays, the coefficient of sound absorption in the water solutions, seawater has been measured by the measurement of reverberation time in a resonator. The property of the reverberation in a cylindrical resonator was theoretically analyzed. The decay curves of sound pressure level at different spatial points in the resonator are found to be different. The reverberation time at different points, which is calculated by the slope of decay curves, is also different. If the measurement method of reverberation time is improper, bigger measurement error can exist in the results of the coefficient of sound absorption in water medium. A cylindrical resonator and the corresponding electronic system were built up. The coefficient of sound absorption in standard solution was measured in the experiments. The error of different measurement methods of reverberation time was analyzed. It shows that the measurement methods of reverberation time do induce bigger measurement error in the coefficient of sound absorption in the liquids. After that, the method of smallest measurement error in the coefficient of sound absorption in the liquids has been given. The results have provided some reference for measuring the reverberation time of underwater enclosed space and coefficient of sound absorption in the liquids of suspended sediment particles.
2016,(s1): 177-183 收稿日期:2016-08-05
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