Tradition method based on Internet of things technology to monitor the abnormal pressure warning Dijon, cabin and mainly by increasing the monitoring data analysis module to shorten the time, but ignore the monitoring field affect the performance of monitoring, monitoring is not accurate, low efficiency and poor performance. Put forward a kind of abnormal pressure cabin alarm monitoring platform for the wireless network. The hardware part of the alarm module, interface module, power module, control module and transmission module, acquisition module are analyzed, through the acquisition module for the cabin abnormal pressure monitoring data are collected, and use will be transfer the data transmission module, with the help of interface module, the module interface Settings, power supply module provides power to alert module is mainly to alert of abnormal pressure in the cabin, and designed the wireless software platform. The experimental results show that the designed monitoring wireless network platform, the monitoring of the required time is shorter, higher accuracy, has better performance.
2017,39(1): 150-153 收稿日期:2016-10-27
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