随着多学科设计优化(Multidisciplinary Design Optimization,MDO)技术的发展,它将成为优化设计的大趋势。为了能够更好地运用MDO来解决船舶设计优化问题,本文对近年来发展的MDO算法进行系统梳理和分类,对发展已较成熟的几种算法进行简要介绍,对新发展的几种特殊算法应用环境、性能特点进行重点介绍;最后,对MDO算法研究存在的不足和今后发展趋势提出了若干建议。
With the development of the Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) technology, it will become the general trend of the optimization in the future. For a better use of MDO to solve ship design problem, this paper provided a survey and classification of the main MDO algorithms that have been present in recent literatures. A brief introduction was carried out for some developed MDO algorithms, but a more details of the application environment as well as performance features were present here for several developing ones. Finally, a discussion on the drawback and develop trend of MDO algorithm were performed, and several suggestions were given.
2017,39(2): 1-5,47 收稿日期:2016-07-27
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