飞行潜航器(Unmanned Aerial Underwater Vehicle,UAUV)在水空搜救、水下结构物探测具有广阔的应用前景。本文通过对主要飞行器、水下航行器的比较分析,认为多旋翼飞行器是目前技术条件下最适合水空2种环境使用的构型。综述国内外主要旋翼类飞行潜航器(Multi-Rotor Unmanned Aerial Underwater Vehicle,MUAUV)的研究和发展现状,分析旋翼类飞行潜航器的特点,论述飞行潜航器发展急需解决的关键技术。
Unmanned aerial underwater vehicles have a wide application prospects in the aeronautical and maritime search and rescue, underwater structure detection. Based on the comparison and analysis of the main aircrafts and the underwater vehicles, it is considered that the multi-rotor aircraft is the most suitable configuration for the water and air two environments. This paper summarizes the research and development status of the main multi-rotor unmanned aerial underwater vehicle at home and abroad, analyzes the characteristics of the MUAUV, and briefly discusses the key technologies for the development of the UAUV.
2017,39(3): 1-6 收稿日期:2016-09-09
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