本文采用计重法和气相色谱/质谱联用法对舰船机舱不同存在形态的油雾污染物进行浓度测试。结果表明:直通舱室的冒气口是舰船机舱油雾污染的主要来源,虽然油雾净化装置的净化效率高(90%以上),使舱室环境的油雾浓度保持在较低浓度水平(1.6~3.1 mg/m3),但机舱的空气质量状况与船员对于空气品质的要求还有较大差距。因此建议加强对油雾的排放控制,增强净化装置的处理能力,同时继续开展对机舱油雾的深化研究,切实改善和提高舱室的空气质量。
This paper uses weight method and GC-MS for ship engine room of different forms of oil mist pollutants concentration test. The results show that through the cabin port steaming is the main source of ship engine room of oil mist. Although the oil mist purification device of high purification efficiency, the oil mist concentration compartment environment an low concentration level, but the air quality condition and the crew cabin for there is a large gap between the air quality requirements. It is proposed to strengthen the oil mist emissions control, enhance the processing ability of purification device, while continuing to carry out a further study on the engine oil mist, effectively improve and enhance the carbin air quality.
2017,39(3): 123-126 收稿日期:2017-01-20
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