Now submarine main cross rudder and tail control surfaces architectural form X rudder, the rudder have their advantages and disadvantages of these two forms. In the past about the two kinds of steering maneuverability hydrodynamic studies, researchers by submarine six degrees of freedom movement simulation program, the cross rudder and X rudder in the horizontal plane and vertical plane of hydrodynamic performance makes a comprehensive comparison, concludes that X rudder hydrodynamic is better than cross rudder. Based on cross rudder and X rudder Suboff research object, through CFD numerical method to simulate the submarine direct movement and vertical angle of attack motion trajectory of these two kinds of typical significance, and separately calculated the two steering maneuverability hydrodynamic shape submarines, through analysis of calculation results, quantitatively compared under the condition of the rudder area equal cross rudder and the hydrodynamic performance of X rudder submarine, and programing simulation the same conclusion: the hydrodynamic performance of X rudder is better than that of cross rudder.
2017,39(7): 24-28 收稿日期:2016-09-02
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