To investigate the hydrodynamic characters of a large ship in laterally restricted water, In restricted waters, ships will be affected by bank effect, sway force and yaw moment will change, which will have adverse effects on the control of ship navigation. In this paper, the LQR optimal control theory is applied to a large oil tanker KVLCC2 to achieve control design of ship maneuvering in restricted waters. In order to permit the design of a linear quadratic (LQ) controller, the maneuvering equations of motion are cast in a linear state-space framework, and CFD numerical simulation methods are used to compute the corresponding hydrodynamic coefficients. Based on the above, the paper calculates gain matrix K to minimize cost function and obtains the time-domain rudder angle satisfying optimal control law, which achieves optimal control of ship maneuvering in restricted waters with different widths. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the LQR controller compared with traditional pole placement method under the same control parameters. The results show that when the largest non-dimensional separation distance is d/L=1.2 the ship is merely disturbed and control action is very small. And the case of d/L=0.25 sees steady rudder angles beyond 6° and also forward speed reduction is 10% of the forward speed.
2017,39(7): 73-77 收稿日期:2016-09-21
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