In order to detect the the fundamental and harmonic current quickly and accurately for drilling ship power supply system, this paper presents an improved algorithm of harmonic detection based on FBD. The algorithm use fully move window algorithm to replace the traditional FBD low-pass filter, ananysising two corenstrate that improved speed and accuracy in FBD harmonic current detection. In order to verify the effectof improved algorithm in drillship grid, but also showed good results, adding a dynamic load FBD demonstrate the improved algorithm. Use Matlab simulation experimentsin steady-state and dynamic loads on the positive sequence current distortion and DC componentssimulate each time,conclude that the algorithm has a good dynamic response, high precision, easy to implement and so on. Finally, the feasibility of improved FBD current detection with PR control mode for drilling rigs compenaste complex power system, we can see the improved effect by observing the harmonic current compensation harmonic current distortion improving verification of FBD.
2017,39(9): 54-58 收稿日期:2016-07-08
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