Based on von Mises yield criterion of ice material model, nonlinear software ANSYS/ls-dyna is employed to establish the finite element model of a semi-submersible offshore platform by floating ice bump. Platform damage condition are analyzed by the ice and offshore energy consumption situation and the relationship between stress and strain in the platform post collision area in the case of giving initial kinetic energy for ices, drawing a conclusion that the platform deformation is the mian lossy part. Further more, the relationship between the structural deformation and the platform of vibration response is discussed in the process of collision. Finally, studying the collisions under different initial kinetic energy, the rule is obtained In the collision force and the initial kinetic energy: with the increase of kinetic energy, the collision force becomes bigger, but the increase trend is more flat.
2018,(): 57-61 收稿日期:2017-02-25
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