针对喷水推进动力装置模拟器中数学模型与虚拟视景的协同仿真问题,首先根据船舶的动力装置建立了Matlab/Simulink仿真模型;以光栅图像法为基础改进地形建模方法,使用Creator分别对虚拟地形及船体进行建模;通过Visual C++平台对系统进行可视化程序设计,实现Vega Prime二次开发,完成了船舶运动虚拟视景仿真;基于C++平台实现Simulink模型的输出参数调用,最终实现船舶航行视景与动力装置仿真模型的协同仿真运行。系统能够直观反映在动力装置参数变化时船舶的运动状态,协同原理及方法对其进一步应用到实际动力装置模拟器中有借鉴意义。
In order to solve the collaborative simulation problem of waterjet propulsion power plant system and visual scene, power plant simulation is established based on Matlab/simulink at first; improved terrain modeling method based on raster image method, build Terrain modeland Water jet propulsionship model on Multigen creator software; the program of virtual visual scene simulation system was designed on visual C++ platform, after second development of Vega prime softwarecompleted based on MFC, the visual system was established. simulinksimulation model output parameterscalled by C++ program, finally achieve Realtime coordinated interactionbetween Water jet propulsion power plant system model and virtual visual simulation model. The whole system can directly reflect the motion of wholeship along with the change of Water jet propulsionpower plant system parameters change, cooperative principle and methods can be applied in the Water jet propulsion power plant simulator by further research.
2018,(): 99-103 收稿日期:2016-07-22
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