By exploring the intelligent ship‘s informatization and intelligentize, specially in the ocean scientific-research ship, soas to promote the development of the intelligent ship.Oceanscientific-research shipis turning from informationization to intelligentize, the big data of oceanscientific-research shipis used frequencily, the big data's application plays an important role in theintelligent ship, the core technology mainly includes the cloud computation and intelligent prediction.To build a reasonable cloud computing model architecture of the oceanscientific-research ship, it will refer to theexisting problems and character.based on the current situation, it can verify the feasibility of the big data processing model, and then it puts forward areasonable cloud data platform architecture and meets the daily data analysis, at last, it can be usedin the practical application, the test result proves the effectiveness of the proposed method.it improve the efficiency of the information processing of oceanscientific-research ship.
2018,(): 90-95 收稿日期:2017-04-05
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