Aiming at how to reduce the impact of non-stationary on the test signals of non-linear wave exciting forces on a model ship, a signal analysis method based on complementary ensemble empirical mode decomposition (CEEMD) is proposed, to make extraction accuracy of each order wave force component possible. First of all, the non-linear wave exciting force signal is preprocessed by low-pass filtering method to eliminate high frequency noises before CEEMD. Secondly, CEEMD signal processing method is used for the signal obtained in the first step, and different frequency bands of intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) can be adaptively obtained according to the signal characteristics. Thirdly, normalized autocorrelation functions together with their variances for the IMFs are evaluated, and a variance threshold is chosen to identify the dominant modes of the random noises and valid modes of the signal from the IMFs. Finally, characteristic frequency of each valid mode is obtained by using the FFT-FS method, and this frequency can help to determine the relative mode belonging to which order wave force component. Test signals of non-linear wave exciting force on a model ship measured in an experiment have been analyzed by using the analysis method presented above, and the results show it is effective and can be applied to extract each order wave force component from a measured signal.
2018,40(9): 6-12 收稿日期:2018-05-14
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