耐压壳体的设计,在深海潜水器等水下作业设备研制开发中占有重要位置。本文结合蛋形结构和混凝土的耐压特性,完成2 000 m水深耐压壳的结构设计,分析其在理想状态、考虑几何缺陷情况下的力学特性,以及混凝土材料的蠕变对其力学特性的影响。结果表明,蛋形混凝土耐压壳中间段承受的应力大于两端,失稳最先发生于耐压壳中部,发生蠕变后耐压壳屈曲极限载荷与理想状态相比下降了6.88%。
The design of pressure hull plays an important role in the development of underwater operating equipment such as deep submergence vehicles. The structure design of the eggshell-shaped concrete pressure hull under the 2 000 m was completed based on the egg shape structure and the concrete compression characteristics. The mechanical properties under ideal conditions and geometric imperfections were analyzed, and the influence of creep of concrete on its mechanical properties was considered. The results show that the stress in the middle section of the eggshell-shaped concrete pressure hull is greater than that at both ends, instability occurs earlier in the equator of the pressure hull than in the ends. And when the creep occurs, the bucking load of the pressure hull is decreases by 6.88% than the ideal state.
2018,40(11): 48-51,120 收稿日期:2017-08-04
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