作为一种用于岛礁开发的新型浮式结构物,FPSB(Floating Production Storage Bridge)通过浮动式栈桥与近海岛礁连接。现有规范及理论缺乏连接浮桥对船体运动响应影响的计算方法,因而本文基于三维源汇分布法,建立船体与连接浮桥准静态的六自由度耦合运动方程,编制程序计算浮桥影响下船体的运动及载荷,并分析满载工况下考虑连接浮桥前后的船体运动响应和载荷响应。数值结果表明,连接浮桥对船体的垂荡和纵摇运动影响较大,计入浮桥影响后船体的垂向弯矩和垂向剪力的幅值总体上呈变大的趋势。本文研究成果对船体和连接浮桥耦合运动计算具有参考意义和实用价值。
As a new type of floating platform for reef development, FPSB (Floating Production Storage Bridge) is connected to the offshore reefs by the floating pontoon bridge. However, the existing norms are lack of theoretical methods for the calculation of the effect of the pontoon bridge on the ship motion response. Based on 3D linear hydrodynamic, the six-degree quasi-static coupling equation of the FPSB and the pontoon bridge is established. The code is developed to calculate the motion and the load responses of the FPSB with the influence of the pontoon bridge. Then the response of the motion and wave load of the hull is analyzed and compared before and after the impact of the pontoon bridge is considered under the typical load conditions. The numerical results show that the pontoon bridge has a greater impact on the heave and pitching of the hull. The amplitude of the vertical wave bending moment and the vertical wave shear force tends to be generally larger after taking into account the influence of the pontoon bridge. The research of this paper can be a reference to the calculation of the coupled motion response of the ship and pontoon bridge.
2019,41(3): 112-117 收稿日期:2018-03-20
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