针对各类无人艇新艇型优化设计系统相对独立、设计信息相对封闭、设计周期长、成本高及缺乏综合集成平台等一系列问题,本文提出一种基于互联网的无人艇远程优化服务平台。以一种水面无人翼滑艇为研究对象,综合考虑无人艇快速性、操纵性、耐波性及抗倾覆性,结合约束条件,建立航行性能的无人艇艇型综合优化数学模型,并基于Visual Studio平台构建1套水面无人艇综合优化服务平台。采用打包工具将平台制作成可供安装的客户端应用程序,通过远程控制软件和网站发布的形式实现服务平台的远程应用。经测试,无人艇远程优化服务平台可靠性良好,计算结果稳定,计算结果文件传输方式可靠。可有效缩短新船研发与设计周期,降低设计成本。
Aiming at a series of problems such as relatively independent design system, relatively closed design information, long design cycle, high cost and lack of integrated platform for various new types of USV, this paper proposed an Internet based remote optimization service platform for USV. Taking the comprehensive performance of an unmanned gliding-hydrofoil craft including its rapidity, maneuverability, seakeeping and anti overturning into consideration, This paper established a comprehensive optimization mathematical model of USV of navigation performance, based on constraint conditions. And based on Visual Studio platform, a set of integrated optimization service platform for USV is constructed. Using a packaging tool, the service system is made into a client application that can be installed. The remote application of the service platform is realized through the form of remote control software and web site publishing. After testing, the reliability of the remote optimization service platform for USV is good. The result of the calculation is stable and the transmission mode of the result file is reliable. It can effectively shorten the development and design cycle of new ships and reduce the cost of designation.
2019,41(6): 138-142 收稿日期:2018-05-14
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