本文针对目前船舶中常用的布风器形式,通过调整3种结构参数(即A,B,C),详细了解其对流动阻力系数的具体影响,并数值分析得出结构参数A影响最大。本研究采用Ansys Fluent软件,通过对布风器内的流动进行大量的模拟分析,提出更为优化的结构参数设计,数值计算出改进后布风器的总阻力系数比原始布风器减少20%,说明改进后布风器送风的均匀性趋于良好。本文的工作为布风器更为合理的设计打下基础,也为后期的降噪设计研究抛砖引玉。
In this paper, a detailed understanding of the specific influence of the three kinds of structural parameters (A, B, C) on the flow resistance coefficient is given in view of the current form of the air distributor currently used in ships. Numerical analysis shows that the structural parameter A has the greatest impact. In this study, Ansys Fluent software was used to conduct a lot of simulation analysis of the flow in the air blower, and a more optimized design of the structure parameters was proposed. The total drag coefficient of the air blower was calculated to be 20% less than that of the original air blower. Indicating that the improved air distribution of the air blower tends to be good. The work of this paper laid a foundation for a more reasonable design of the air diffuser, and also made a valuable contribution to the later research of noise reduction design.
2019,41(7): 71-76 收稿日期:2017-12-29
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