The force of permanent magnetic bearing in suspension is related to configuration of permanent magnetic bearing and the material parameters of permanent magnetic. In order to overcome the permanent magnetic bearing application problem in large bearing capacity, based on the existing simple permanent magnetic bearing configuration, combined with performance characteristics of permanent magnetic, according to a new radial magnetized permanent magnetic thrust bearing(PMTB). The analytical calculation of axial bearing capacity is derived by virtual displacement method and principle of linear superposition. It is found that the axial bearing capacity decreases with the radial gap increasing in small gap condition. The axial bearing capacity of PMTB with the axial displacement increasing than decreasing in fixed gap, existence of maximum bearing capacity. The model of PMTB is simulated by finite-element method software and the simulation results are basically in agreement with the analytical results.
2019,41(9): 105-109 收稿日期:2018-02-09
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