In order to solve the problem of classification of water surface and underwater targets, this paper extracts the characteristics of ship radiation noise from the perspective of undulating characteristics.Firstly, the random undulation interface is simulated by PM wave spectrum, and the scattering intensity of the sea surface undulation interface is approximated by the integral equation method. According to the variation law of the amplitude envelope of the scattering intensity analog signal, the correlator is designed based on the physical characteristics of the signal and the characteristics of the amplitude envelope. In this way, the received signal is extracted by the envelope, and the extracted envelope is processed by the correlator to obtain the correlation coefficient. Finally, the classification of the water surface and the underwater target is realized according to the judgment of the correlation coefficient. In this paper, the sound sources at different depths are tested. The simulation results verify that the underwater target is feasible according to the correlation coefficient, and the effectiveness of the algorithm is further verified by experimental data.
2019,41(9): 115-120 收稿日期:2019-03-21
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