科考船是装配多种调查设备,集成多种传感器,实现实时观测和数据处理的水上移动测量平台。本文基于科考船船体结构特点,提出了构建船体坐标系的方法,便于使用全站仪等设备进行测量。基于AHRS(Attitude and Heading Reference System)航姿参考系统体积小、精度高等特点,提出测定AHRS安装偏角的理论和方法;基于船底大型传感器阵列类型,提出测定其安装位置和偏角的技术原理与方法。通过实例验证了该方法的实用性和有效性。
A research vessel is an integrated platform, equipped with kinds of investigation devices, integrated with multiple sensors, realizing observing and processing in real time. In this paper, based on the vessel structural features, we come up with a method to establish vessel coordinate system, to make easier to survey with total station. Also based on small size and more precision of AHRS, we raise the principle and method to measure the misalignment angle of AHRS. And based on the type of large-scale sensor array, we present a method to get the installation location and misalignment. We also approved the effectiveness and practicability by living example.
2019,41(11): 81-85 收稿日期:2019-05-04
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