声表面波(SAW)振荡器的频率稳定度是影响声表面波传感器检测下限与灵敏度的关键因素。因此,研究并改善声表面波振荡器的频率稳定度对传感器性能优化具有重要意义。本文针对电源电压等因素对SAW振荡器频率稳定度的影响进行分析及实验研究,并根据分析结果,提出相应的改善措施,应用于基于300 MHz两端对谐振器型振荡器的研制。试验结果表明,采取的改进措施有效降低了电源电压波动对振荡器频率稳定度的影响,而且其频率稳定度达到了1 ppm/4 h量级。
As the sensor element, the frequency stability of SAW oscillator affects directly the threshold detection level and sensitivity of the SAW sensor. Investigation and improvement of the frequency stability of the oscillator was significant for the optimization of the sensor performance. This paper focuses on the influence of such factors as the power supply on the SAW oscillator frequency stability, and the effects are analyzed. According to the analysis results, improving measures are applied to the development of the 300 MHz SAW oscillator. The experimental results showed that the improved measures effectively reduces the influence of the power supply voltage fluctuation on the oscillator frequency stability, and its frequency stability has reached the level 1 PPM/4 hour.
2019,41(11): 170-172 收稿日期:2018-12-14
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