The ship industry data is growing very rapidly, and deep mining of relevant information contained in big data can effectively strengthen the precise and efficient management of ship operation. This paper proposed a parallel FP-growth algorithm based on load balancing (BPFP-growth). The algorithm improved the storage mode of item sets tree by giving the item TID, then it completed the parallel grouping of data based on image reconstruction and load factor, and completed the mining of frequent item sets of corresponding grouping subsets at each parallel partition node, finally finished the solution of global frequent item sets by combining sets. The experimental results show that the algorithm has good parallelism and expansibility, it can effectively realize data mining such as ship management and resource allocation, so as to carry out precise management, optimize resource allocation, and promote the hign-quality development of the shipping industry.
2019,41(11): 184-187 收稿日期:2019-08-29
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