Evaluation of the dynamic responses of offshore structures under extreme environmental conditions is important for the structural design. The traditional full long-term analysis (FLTA) method is accurate but time-consuming, the environmental contour method (ECM) is proposed as an efficient and accurate method for predicting the extreme response of marine structures. This method is based on the joint probability density distribution of environmental variables to obtain the environmental contour corresponding to the required return period. And the long-term extreme response of the structure is predicted based on the obtained contours. In the existing application of this method, only the wind speed, the significant wave height and the spectrum peak period are generally considered, while the effect of the turbulence intensity is ignored. For a more realistic consideration of the wind conditions, this paper considers the turbulence intensity as an environmental variable, incorporates it into the environmental contour method based on probability method, and studies its effect on the extreme response of the Spar-type floating wind turbine. By comparing the predicted extreme responses with 50-yr return period, it is found that the analysis with varying turbulence intensity predicted a smaller value of the extreme response of the tower bottom force and moment, and a higher pitch angle of the platform and the mooring force than the analysis with constant turbulence intensity.
2020,42(8): 120-126 收稿日期:2019-10-18
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