围绕喷水推进系统在复杂操纵时的安全可靠运行问题,基于Simulink与MFC集成的方法开发了一套仿真程序,它可计算制定出在加速、减速、回转、倒车等动态工况下喷泵的合理工作制。仿真结果具有较大参考价值,如四机四泵全速航行、四泵回转时,若要将喷泵控制在一区运行,舵角需小于8°;四机四泵运行,主机转速由0.73 Nmax分别加速至0.92 Nmax和Nmax,若要将喷泵控制在一区运行,加速率不能大于0.02 Nmax/s和0.01 Nmax/s。
In order to solve the problem that the waterjet pump always works in the restricting region under the manoeuvring situations, a simulation programme is established based on the integrating of Simulink with MFC. The simulation programme could be used to set the working state of the waterjet propulsion, such as accelerating, decelerating, turning, reversing. The results of the simulation are of great value. For example, when four pumps working, four pumps turning, in order to restrict the pump working in the Zone One, the maximum turning angle of the pump should be lower than 8 degree; When four pumps working, the main engine speed increasing from 0.73 Nmax to 0.92 Nmax and Nmax, in order to restrict the pump working in the Zone One, the maximum accelerating speed should be lower than 0.02 Nmax/s and 0.01 Nmax/s.
2020,42(10): 58-61 收稿日期:2019-06-14
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