In the acoustic homing of torpedo, signal design and anti-reverberation ability are important contents in the research of acoustic homing technology. At present, most of the acoustic homing emission signals in actual engineering applications are still in the form of conventional signals(such as CW, FM), and their homing performance and snit-reverberation capability still need to be further improved. In this paper, from the perspective of acoustic homing design, a variety of complex signal forms, such as CW-CW, LFM-LFM, CW-LFM, Costas, which can be used for acoustic homing, are discussed. The problem of signal detection probability is analyzed by ROC curve; then the Q function and signal-reverberation schematic are used to analyze the anti-reverberation performance of each signal. The simulation results show that the above complex signals have better performance than conventional signals, and have better engineering application prospects in acoustic homing. This study will provide a technical reference for the design of new acoustic homing.
2020,42(10): 134-139 收稿日期:2019-12-01
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