During the voyage of the ship, the hull structure will be subjected to various types of complex mechanical equipment excitation loads. Due to the variety of marine mechanical equipment and the different modes of operation, the equipment has different excitation methods for the ship structure. According to the vibration mechanism of the equipment, Some equipment will produce unbalanced disturbance force or unbalanced disturbance torque during operation. Aiming at the problem of vibration and acoustic radiation of ship structure under the excitation load of typical equipment, this article takes the ship cabin structure reference model as an example, uses the acoustic-solid coupling method, from the perspective of coupling vibration of the equipment-base-hull structure system, and takes the hull structure Radiation noise is the assessment quantity, and the influence of the radiation noise of the cabin structure under the typical equipment excitation load such as equipment unbalanced disturbance force, unbalanced disturbance torque, unbalanced disturbance force and moment combined action is explored.
2020,42(11): 24-29 收稿日期:2020-06-29
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