Underwater acoustic positioning is the key technology to achieve accurate underwater positioning, and it is also a research hotspot in recent years.With the sound velocity correction and the base array deployment as the entry point, the research progress of improving the underwater acoustic positioning accuracy is reviewed for the problems of uncertain sound velocity and unreasonable design of the array.Aiming at the problem of array placement, the research status of two improved schemes of array size and array array element is compared. Research shows that in order to improve the accuracy of underwater acoustic positioning, further research should be carried out in the following three aspects: In the study of sound velocity correction method, the combination of genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization algorithm can optimize sparse effective without increasing the calculation amount. The sound velocity meter further improves the positioning accuracy; the sound velocity correction algorithm based on the combined array positioning system can make the positioning error smaller; the compromise scheme that considers the number of array elements and the required positioning accuracy can reduce the deployment cost. The principle of improving the positioning accuracy of ultra-short baselines by optimizing the spacing of different elements.
2021,43(1): 11-16 收稿日期:2019-11-11
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