An experimental study on the underwater motion of parallel projectiles was carried out using a gas-powered high-speed projectile parallel launcher. The high-speed camera is used to obtain the underwater motion of the projectile, and the evolution process of the flow field and the ballistic parameters of the projectile are extracted by image processing technology. Based on these, the evolution mechanism and the shedding characteristics of the parallel projectile cavitation are analyzed. On this basis, the evolution mechanism and shedding characteristics of the parallel projectile cavitation are analyzed, and the influence of the projectile spacing on the underwater motion of the parallel projectile is obtained.The results show that The double-cavity of parallel projectiles is affected by the pressure gradient of each other's watershed and exhibits different evolution characteristics. As the distance between the projectiles increases, the coupling effect between the double cavitation gradually weakens, the size of the lower projectile cavitation gradually increases, and the ballistic stability gradually increases. The wake-off of the asynchronous parallel projectile is from the fork mode to the close mode and finally to the isolated mode. The experimental results have a certain guiding effect on the parallel launch of underwater multiple missiles.
2021,43(2): 71-75 收稿日期:2019-11-07
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