Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) is an important force in the development of marine science and technology. As a highly integrated marine equipment, full ship position and attitude state perception becomes an urgent demand for USV’s intelligent sensing and pose compensation. To meet the requirement of attitude estimation for any position of the USV, this paper designs the USV’s virtual reality fusion three-dimensional interactive system based on digital twin. The system mainly includes three parts: USV entity in physical space, 3D visualization interactive software in information space, and interaction interface between physical space and information space. Based on verification in lake test, the system realized mapping USV’s real-time state from physical space to information space. Using the method of virtual and real data fusion, the system realized the real-time velocity observation of any position point of hull for the USV, and then provided the reference input of the pose compensation for the USV’s equipment which installed on the observation point.
2021,43(6): 151-156 收稿日期:2020-07-16
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