Due to the great difference between hovercraft and conventional craft in ship type characteristics and operation principle, the speed of hovercraft is much higher than that of conventional craft. Also, it is equipped with a high-speed engine and high-speed air propeller, which makes the vibration problem of hovercraft particularly prominent, which can cause strength, navigation safety, comfort, and other problems. Therefore, the vibration source is determined and the typical position is calculated The vibration characteristics of the device are particularly important. In this paper, the typical structure of the main engine and the base of the propulsion engine of the hovercraft is selected. The transient response of various exciting forces at the same position is considered by using the finite element method. The root means the square value of the velocity time history is solved and compared with the test data. The results show that the effect of considering multiple excitation forces at the same time is similar to the actual test results, and the results are reliable, which can be used for reference in the analysis and research of the vibration characteristics of hovercraft.
2021,43(7): 40-44 收稿日期:2021-04-09
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