In order to achieve the goal of rapid, intelligent, safe and accurate water emergency rescue, it is necessary to design a coordinated dispatch system for multiple rescue assistance. According to the capability requirements of the system, the overall architecture design was carried out, focusing on the design of the collaborative task planning framework based on the hierarchical task network, the information flow, the data exchange platform, and the use of artificial intelligence algorithms for the best underwater rescue operation route. Finally, the key technologies of the coordinated dispatching system for multi-rescue power on the water are analyzed, including the comprehensive processing technology of multi-detection sensor information, the expert system for coordinated dispatch of multi-rescue power, the heterogeneous data sharing technology of multi-system, and the uncertain HTN planning problems in multi-intelligence planning technology. Expansion of HTN planning model, etc. Through the innovative collaborative scheduling mode, it meets the requirements of systemization, intelligence, dynamics and flexibility of the continuous deepening of emergency rescue operations.
2021,43(8): 88-92 收稿日期:2021-04-25
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