The gun breech-barrel finite element model was established in this article, and the gun bore axial load was calculated according to the theory of artillery gun design. Nonlinear contact finite element analysis was carried on the gun breech-barrel structure. The intensity check and contrast analysis of gun breech and barrel grapnel contact part of nominal and measured size model was emphatically carried out according to the Tresca, maximum deviatoric stress and Mises strength theory, which were based on the single-shear, twin-shear and octahedral-shear stress strength theory respectively. The intensity checking results indicates that Mises result in the middle, maximum deviatoric stress result is minimum and Tresca result is maximum, which were consistent with the theoretical prediction. The Tresca strength theory is not suitable for the design of breech grapnel. The distribution of three kinds of equivalent stress along the path of grapnel’s chamfered root were also given. The analysis results shows that the nominal size model has enough strength in the view of design, and the measured size model causes the breech grapnel wall thinner and intensity insufficient due to the existence of the out of tolerances in mechanical, and then caused the fracture of breech grapnel.
2021,43(8): 175-181 收稿日期:2021-02-09
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