To improve the intelligent level of emergency rescue decision-making for waterborne accident, combined with the current situation of China's water emergency rescue capacity construction, systematically analyzes the requirements of waterborne emergency rescue capability, and studies the ideas and methods for constructing an assistant decision-making system for waterborne emergency rescue. The research results show that 22 types of emergency rescue scenarios for waterborne accidents were constructed and analyzed, which clarified the core capability requirements of China's water emergency rescue. Additional, a method for constructing an assistant decision-making system for waterborne emergency rescue based on the double cycle mechanism is proposed, which can not only improve the rationality of the system operation through the "outer cycle" mechanism, but also make the abstract requirements layer by layer concrete, and ensure the pertinence of the decision-making system through the "inner cycle" mechanism. Meanwhile, an assistant decision-making system for waterborne emergency rescue was developed, which realized the related combination of requirements for waterborne emergency rescue equipment, technology, etc., and can quickly give targeted assistant decision-making programs according to the emergency rescue needs of waterborne accident.
2021,43(11): 168-172 收稿日期:2021-09-17
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