With the increasing number of activities such as maritime military, maritime shipping, deep-sea scientific research, and spacecraft launch and recovery at sea, maritime accidents are occurring frequently due to equipment failure or complex environmental factors. In order to reduce losses and investigate the causes of accidents, submarine rescue and deep-sea salvage are particularly important. As a deep-sea operation type equipment, remotely operated vehicle (ROV) plays a vital role in rescue and deep-sea salvage activities. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the current status of ROV development in international and domestic life-saving systems, and also outlines the typical applications of ROV in life-saving and deep-sea salvage. Finally, this paper summarizes the key technologies of ROV in life-saving and deep-sea salvage missions,and proposes some thoughts on the future development of ROV.
2021,43(12): 16-20 收稿日期:2021-03-24
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