在深水通用型FPSO工程中,水锤产生的压力会对管路系统造成危害,严重影响工程进度。运用AFT Impulse建立通用型FPSO压载水系统模型,对系统进行瞬态分析,得出不同关阀工况下水锤仿真结果。通过多次仿真对结果进行比较,得到相对合理的关阀方案,确保管路系统的安全。
In the deepwater general purpose FPSO project,the pressure produced by water hammer will do harm to the pipeline system and seriously affect the progress of the project. Using AFT Impulse to build a general FPSO ballast water system model, the transient analysis of the system is carried out to obtain the water hammer simulation results under different valve closing conditions. By comparing the simulation results, a relatively reasonable valve closing scheme is obtained to ensure the safety of the pipeline system.
2022,44(1): 72-77 收稿日期:2020-07-09
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