In the AUV cluster control without negotiation, assignment and central control, the phenomenon of swarm splitting is inevitable when AUV swarm performs collision avoidance, multi-target tracking and other behaviors. If the splitting is uncontrollable, problems such as loss of AUV or large gap of subgroup size after splitting are likely to occur. In order to face the external stimulation can cluster the controlled group, this paper proposes a fission control algorithm combining topological interaction and ICD, The algorithm uses the degree of information coupling as a judgment index to measure the influence of individuals, and according to the characteristics of the AUV underwater communication, perception, introduced the topology interaction mechanism, reduce the cluster group and group the information they need to improve the AUV group and the effect of clustering. Simulation results show the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
2022,44(1): 104-107 收稿日期:2021-03-05
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