Current maneuvering of Deep-sea manned submersible has complicated output and is also difficult to operate. In order to improve the facility, this research aims at optimizing the design of the avionics software interface, the reliability of human-computer interaction in driving and the experience of the submariners. This research is based on an actual deep-sea manned submersible taking an actual mission. It summarizes the human factors and functional requirements during its navigation and control and analysis of the importance of its input and output end. Besides, it presents a system design methodology with functional architecture, interaction logic, visual design, application development, and evaluation iteration as the guiding process. The result of this research is supposed to set up human factors evaluation indexes for deep-sea manned submersible navigation control interface scheme, To sum up, it provides a preferred method for the design of the deep-sea manned submersible aerial control software interface scheme, and supports the design of the interactive interface for the subsequent full working condition coverage of the scheme.
2022,44(1): 154-158 收稿日期:2021-03-16
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