The hydrodynamic performance of the underwater robot is determined by the thrust of the propeller-type underwater propeller. In order to predict the open water performance of the propeller quickly and accurately, an open water performance estimator model which is based on RBF neural network needs to be established. The network size is adjusted by using several types of propeller open water simulation values as training samples.On this basis, the connection weights between the networks have been adjusted, and the network parameters have also been optimized. After achieving the learning accuracy requirements through continuous iterative optimization, a high-dimensional optimized neural network open water performance estimator is finally obtained. By comparing and analyzing the open water coefficient predicted by the RBF neural network propeller open water performance estimator model and the open water coefficient simulated by CDF, the result shows that the gap between them is small. Therefore, the RBF neural network open water performance estimator model can meet the requirements of accuracy and rapidity of prediction, and can also be used as one of the effective prediction methods of propeller open water coefficient.
2022,44(5): 54-58 收稿日期:2021-03-12
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