In order to improve the accuracy of residual life estimation of power transformer in large ship electrical equipment, a residual life estimation method of power transformer in large ship electrical equipment is proposed. The remaining life estimation model of power transformer is constructed. The model is divided into three layers: the first layer estimates the health index of power transformer in large ship electrical equipment by using the basic information of power transformer. The second layer estimation model uses the test information of power transformer to obtain the aging state of power transformer in large ship electrical equipment; The initial health index of voltage transformer is determined by the first two-layer model. The third layer estimation model uses the operation information and fault information of power transformer to optimize the results of the first two layers estimation model to obtain the final health index of power transformer. According to the corresponding relationship between health index and residual life, the residual life estimation results of power transformer in large ship electrical equipment are obtained. The experimental results show that this method can accurately estimate the health index of voltage transformer and improve the estimation of residual life of power transformer.
2022,44(6): 165-169 收稿日期:2021-10-27
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