In order to accurately grasp the technical status of the warship equipment, it is necessary to evaluate the technical status of the warship. However, the current research on the technical status evaluation of the warship equipment is not perfect. The current evaluation method cannot completely and accurately reflect the real situation of the equipment, and there are some deficiencies and limitations. The technical status evaluation of warship equipment has its own characteristics and difficulties, and the large uncertainty in the evaluation process. Among many evaluation methods, the D-S evidence theory is able to fuse multi-source evidence and deal with uncertainty caused by ignorance. Therefore, in view of the complexity and uncertainty of the technical state evaluation of warship equipment, this paper presents a research on the evaluation method of technical status of warship equipment based on D-S evidence theory, to accurately grasp the technical status of warship equipment.
2022,44(8): 178-181 收稿日期:2021-09-03
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