To reduce the pushing load caused by the movement of level ice, platforms in ice zone are usually equipped with anti-ice structures like ice cone or other structures with inclined surface. The pushing load caused by flat ice is an important technical index for the design of platform in ice area. It is of great significance to simulate the load characteristic relation of flat ice pushing structures and the accumulation patterns of crushing ice accurately. In this paper, FEM-SPH coupling algorithm and finite element method (FEM) were used to simulate the process, in which a ice cone were pushed by a flat ice, and the influence of the diameter of ice cone on the morphology of broken ice and the pushing load is analyzed. The results showed that, compared with FEM, FEM-SPH coupling algorithm can not only accurately predict the dynamic load of flat ice pushing structure, but also visually reproduce the accumulation of broken ice, which is helpful to understand and analyze the interaction law between flat ice and structure. In addition, the model and analysis conclusions about FEM-SPH coupling algorithm can provide reference for the research and design of structures in ice zone.
2022,44(10): 55-60 收稿日期:2021-05-21
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