In order to shorten the sailing time of ships and avoid the failure of ships touching obstacles, an improved particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm for ship optimal navigation is studied. Because the basic particle swarm optimization algorithm will fall into prematurity, the poor particles and elite particles are selected based on the cost function, and the update speed method with kinetic energy compensation is used to deal with the poor particles, so as to avoid falling into prematurity. Learning from the failure experience of the worst particle, avoid searching the worst solution when a single particle is moving. Based on the improved particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm, a ship optimal navigation model was built, and the application direction was improved according to the actual marine environment. The ship optimal navigation was determined by the particle fitness function. The experimental results show that this method is more accurate in calculating ship's sailing parameters, and it can search the shortest route time and correctly avoid the obstacles on the ocean.
2022,44(11): 82-85 收稿日期:2021-12-16
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