Sonobuoy is one of the most effective means of aerial anti-submarine. In order to fully understand the conditions of high air-dropped sonobuoy and sonobuoy can be efficiently placed, the aerial motion trail of sonobuoy is studied. The air-dropped process of sonobuoy is described, the model is simplified and the coordinate system is established. Based on the theory of flight dynamics, the three movement stages of sonobuoy are analyzed in detail, such as free flight, variable speed and stable falling. Establish equations of motion. For example numerical simulation, the variable curves of pitch angle, trajectory angle, speed, motion trail and other parameters are drawn. Sonobuoy will achieve a stable fall in a certain time, the maximum horizontal displacement remains unchanged, the falling area is controllable, and the vertical displacement increases uniformly with time. On the basis of the research in this paper, more random conditions can be added to generate the air-dropped firing table of sonobuoy.
2022,44(11): 146-150 收稿日期:2021-10-19
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