In order to solve the problems of the traditional artificial potential field method in the local path planning of the unmanned boat, it is easy to fall into the local minimum, the target is not reachable, and the safety of the unmanned boat during the navigation process, the traditional artificial potential field method is optimized. The introduction of a threshold solves the problem of collision with obstacles due to excessive gravity during the path planning process of the UAV. Proposes the concept of fuzzy far and near boundary points to solve the problem of unreachable targets; combines the simulated annealing algorithm to solve the local minimum value problem. When the UAV falls into the local minimum point, the Metropolis criterion is used to jump out of the local minimum point with a certain probability. The Matlab simulation results show that the improved artificial potential field method can help the UAV reach the target point safely in a multi-obstacle environment.
2022,44(16): 69-73 收稿日期:2021-06-10
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