In order to save the time cost of container ship cargo transportation, a method of container ship cargo transportation route selection based on fuzzy evidential reasoning is proposed. Calculate the operation cost of container ship cargo transportation, construct a fuzzy subset of container ship transportation path according to the operation cost, input the fuzzy subset into the container ship cargo transportation path selection model based on Fuzzy evidential reasoning, obtain the ship transportation path risk factor, and obtain the container ship navigation path confidence selection matrix by constructing the fuzzy confidence selection matrix and defuzzifying, Using this matrix, we can get the result of cargo transportation route selection of container ships. The experimental results show that the calculation error of the shipping operation cost of container ships based on this method is very small, which can effectively select the most suitable shipping route and reduce the shipping time cost of container ships.
2022,44(16): 143-146 收稿日期:2022-01-21
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