Ship navigation signal is easily disturbed by noise, so a nonlinear filtering method of ship navigation signal based on ship shore communication technology is proposed. Calculate the state trajectory parameters of the normal operation of the ship, build a first-order Markov normalization equation, and make different types of noise signals into different nonlinear sequences, and complete the navigation signal denoising through discrete processing. The measurement model is built to reduce the navigation signal reception deviation. The ship shore communication technology is used to calculate the transmission delay of noise signals and ordinary signals in the sequence. The covariance matrix is introduced to solve the mean value of the signal delay through the matrix. The nonlinear filtering is realized by constraining the delay of the navigation channel. The experimental data show that the nonlinear filtering effect of the proposed method is good, and it can achieve efficient and stable filtering for noise signals of different intensity. Therefore, the proposed method has high overall practical value and strong applicability.
2022,44(20): 139-142 收稿日期:2022-04-28
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